Privacy Statement

Based on the GDPR all the informations on the site are considered public interest.
By using our website, you are accepting that the site operator (Energy Efficient Wekerle Civic Society, 1192 Budapest, Zoltán u. 63/3., Hungary, representative: Agnes Szalkai-Lőrincz) does not collect, does not save, does not manage and does not process personal data. The incoming emails will be deleted after answering.

What Are Cookies?
Cookies are small pieces of data (memory files) stored on your computer or device via your browser by sites you visit. As is common practice with almost all websites, this site uses cookies to improve your experience by remembering your preferences and enable other cookie-based features (e.g. analytics), either for a single visit (through a "session cookie") or for multiple repeat visits (using a "persistent cookie").

Our Cookies

  • gtc_lang - for the language setting of the pages. Obligatory cookie, the site does not work without it. It stays on your computer for 1 month.
  • gtc_gdpr - this cookie contains your GDPR approval. Obligatory cookie, the site does not work without it. It stays on your computer for 3 month.
  • PHPSESSIONID - necessary for the php operation. The site does not work without it. It will be deletet after closing the browser.

Third-Party Cookies
In special cases, we also use cookies provided by trusted third parties like Google Analytics. Third party analytics are used to track and measure usage of this site so that we can continue to produce engaging content.

Managing Cookies
When you first access the site, you may receive a message advising you that cookies and similar technologies are in use. By clicking "accept", closing the message, or continuing to browse the site, you signify that you understand and agree to the use of these technologies, as described in this Cookie Policy.

You may withdraw consent at any time. Most browsers allow you to refuse to accept cookies. You can also remove cookies from your browser settings. Be aware that disabling cookies may affect the functionality of this and many other websites you visit. Therefore, it is recommended that you do not disable cookies.

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